
Meaning Of Scorpion Tattoo On A Woman's Lower Right Abdomen - ?

Tattoos associated with criminal activity and gang membership

Criminal tattoos are a type of tattoos associated with criminals to testify gang membership[1] [2] and record the wearer's personal history—such every bit their skills, specialties, accomplishments, incarceration, world view and/or means of personal expression.[3] Tattoos are strongly empirically associated with deviance, personality disorders, and criminality.[4] [5]

Sure tattoo designs have adult recognized coded meanings.[half-dozen] The code systems can be quite complex, and because of the nature of what they encode, the designs of criminal tattoos are not widely recognized as such to outsiders.

A member of the Mexican Mafia has the organisation's name tattooed on his abdomen

Tattooing in prison [edit]

Since tattooing in prison is illegal in many jurisdictions, the inmates do not have the proper equipment necessary for the do. This forces inmates to notice ways to create their own tattooing devices out of their holding. Improvised tattooing equipment has been assembled from materials such as mechanical pencils, magnets, radio transistors, staples, paper clips, or guitar strings.[vii] [ better source needed ]

N. Banerjee wrote in 1992 for The Wall Street Journal about tattoos in Russian prisons:

"...the pain does deter even the nearly macho captive from covering his torso, all at one time, with meaningful pictures. Tattoos are created by instilling pigment in the skin with thousands of needle pricks. In the camps, the procedure can take anywhere from a few hours to a few years, depending on the artist and his appetite, says Mr. Bronnikov. Because of prison house conditions, tattoo artists have to improvise with materials and equipment. For instance, they will depict a picture show on a wooden plank, identify needles forth the lines of the blueprint, cover the needles with ink and postage stamp the whole tableau on the prisoner's body. Another method is to slice the image onto the skin with a razor and daub the cut with indelible ink. Usually, prisoners manage to go an electric shaver and a syringe with a needle, which they jury-rig into a tattooing machine. Ink is hard to come up by, then to make dye, artists will often burn the heel of a shoe, and mix the ash with the prisoner's urine -- a practice convicts believe reduces the take a chance of infection."[8]

Russia and onetime Soviet republics [edit]

Russian criminal tattoos accept a complex system of symbols that can requite quite detailed information about the wearer. Not only practise the symbols acquit pregnant, but the area of the body on which they are placed may be meaningful likewise. The initiation tattoo of a new gang member is usually placed on the chest and may incorporate a rose. A rose on the chest is also used within the Russian mafia. Wearing faux or unearned tattoos is punishable in the criminal underworld, usually by removal of the tattoo, followed by beatings and sometimes rape, or even murder. Tattoos tin be removed (voluntarily, in the example of loss of rank, new amalgamation, "lifestyle" change, etc.) by bandaging magnesium powder onto the surface of the skin, which dissolves the skin bearing the marks with painful caustic burns. This powder is gained by filing "low-cal blend," due east.g., lawnmower casing and is a jailhouse commodity.

"As Russia's leading adept on tattoo iconography, Mr. Arkady Bronnikov can tell the prisoner's story from looking at the designs on his body. The huge spider in a web that is drawn on his skull reveals, in prison tattoo code, that he is a drug addict. Likewise, he is a repeat offender: The onion domes of a Russian church fan across his shoulder blades, each of the seven domes representing a different stay in prison house. In a higher place the church building, across the dorsum of his neck, the convict has stenciled, in Russian, "Not just anyone can hold his caput this high."... "The more tattoos a convict gets, the more sentences he has served, the more respect he gets in prison," says Mr. Bronnikov. "The tattoos testify that he isn't afraid of pain."[8]

Tattoos made in a Russian prison often have a distinct bluish color (due to being fabricated with ink from a ballpoint pen) and usually announced somewhat blurred considering of the lack of instruments to draw fine lines. The ink is often created from burning the heel of a shoe and mixing the soot with urine, and injected into the skin utilizing a sharpened guitar string attached to an electric shaver.[ contradictory ] [nine]

"In [Russian] prison, the ink for tattoos was manufactured from molten safety mixed with water and sugar. Artists used sewing needles sharpened on concrete cell floors. Sometimes, portraits of Stalin and Lenin--with or without horns--were in fashion, sometimes monasteries and medieval knights. Occasionally, caricatures of Communists with grunter snouts or correctional officers in wolf guise were the rage. Maps of the gulag system, with Russia, portrayed as a giant prison camp, might be etched across someone's back. Crucifixion scenes were pop. Ronald Reagan was even a subject, according to a Russian dictionary of prison house slang (Fenya)."[10]

In improver to voluntary tattooing, tattoos are used to stigmatize and punish individuals within the criminal society. These tattoos may be placed on an individual who fails to pay debts in bill of fare games, or otherwise breaks the criminal lawmaking, and frequently have very blatant sexual images, embarrassing the wearer. Tattoos on the brow are sometimes forcibly applied, and designed both to humiliate the bearer and warn others about him or her. They often consist of slurs virtually the bearer'south ethnicity, sexual orientation, or perceived cooperation with the prison authorities. They tin can bespeak that the holder is a fellow member of a political group considered offensive by other prisoners (e.g., Vlasovite), or has been convicted of a crime (such as child rape) that is disapproved of by other criminals. They can also advertise that the bearer is "downcast", or of the lowest social caste in prison, usually used for the sexual gratification of college-ranked inmates. Voluntary facial tattoos signify that the bearer does not expect to exist released back into normal society within his lifetime, and will commonly consist of tattoos on the eyelids of messages such as "Don't Wake Me Upward." They are managed by inserting a metal spoon nether the eyelid, so the tattoo needle does not pierce the eye.

Tattoos that consist of political or anti-authoritarian statements are known as "grins". They are often tattooed on the tummy of a thief in police, equally a means of acquiring status in the criminal community. A Russian criminologist, Yuri Dubyagin, has claimed that, during the Soviet era, there existed "secret orders" that an anti-authorities tattoo must exist "destroyed surgically", and that this procedure was usually fatal.[ commendation needed ] Tattoos of the portraits of Soviet leaders similar Lenin and Stalin were often applied on the breast due to a conventionalities that firing squads were forbidden to shoot at the leaders' pictures.

Motifs [edit]

Common body tattoos and their significance (these tattoos are virtually feature of the Old Regime when the Vory V Zakone was more structured in prisons):

  • 243 in a bluecoat: signifies the wearer has committed battery on a police force officer. Ofttimes worn on the arm or hand used for the assault. Taken from the California penal code.
  • Barbed wire across the brow signifies a sentence of life imprisonment without a possibility of parole.[11] Barbed wire on the forearms or around the wrist signifies years served.
  • Bells indicate a sentence served in full.
  • Birds over the horizon: "I was born free and should be free." Bearer longs for a life outside prison.[xi]
  • Cat: a career as a thief. A single cat means the bearer worked alone; several cats hateful the bearer was part of a gang.[11] The word "true cat," in Russian, forms an acronym indicating the wearer's natural abode is in prison. Alternately, tin signify cleverness.
  • Celtic Cantankerous: Role of the racist white power movement. It has also been used to represent crosshairs of a gun, meaning that a wearer is a hitman, and he too will meet a violent stop one day.[12]
  • Churches, mosques, fortresses, etc., are often tattooed on the chest, back, or hand. The number of spires or towers tin can correspond the years a prisoner has been incarcerated or the number of times he has been imprisoned. A cantankerous at the summit of the spire indicates that the sentence was paid in full. The phrase, "The Church is the House of God," oftentimes inscribed beneath a cathedral, has the metaphorical pregnant, "Prison house is the Dwelling of the Thief."
  • Cross: A small cross either on the forehead, finger, or between the thumb and forefinger is sometimes seen on convicts equally a symbol of serving time in prison. In that location is some other category of tattoos—of rings on the fingers and symbols on the hands—which informs other inmates of the bearer'south rank when the bearer is clothed:[thirteen] A cross on the chest tin stand for a loftier ranking in the Russian mob.[14]
  • Crosses on knuckles: 'Trips to the zone'. 'I've been in prison three times'.
  • Devil's head: 'Grinning'. 'I concur a grudge against the authorities'.
  • Dots on knuckles: number of years served in prison.
  • Epaulets: Military machine badge and uniform are worn on the shoulders. This symbolizes criminal accomplishments.[11] When a skull symbol is portrayed with it, it normally designates a man as a murderer. Epaulets are decorated with certain crests and symbols in the sections where one can come across the skull at that place before conviction, especially when information technology was of any significance.
  • Five dots: Represents fourth dimension done in prison. Iv of the dots represent walls, while the fifth represents the prisoner.[xiv]
  • Madonna and infant Jesus indicates that the bearer is 'clean before his friends' in that he will never betray them to authorities. May also symbolize having become a criminal early in life.
  • Mermaid: indicates a conviction of child molestation
  • MIR: The Russian word for "peace," an acronym that indicates "only a firing squad volition reform me."
  • Dagger in cervix: Signifies that the bearer has killed and is available for hire to impale other prisoners.
  • Executioner: Murderer, or that they follow the Thieves' Code[12]
  • Goat: Informer, an animate being without award. Probably begrudged every bit a mark of humiliation.
  • Lenin, Stalin, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Engels: Usually tattooed beyond the chest or over vital organs. Mostly characteristic of the Old Regime; prisoners would tattoo them because it was believed the firing squads could not shoot the images of USSR's founding fathers.
  • Spider or spider spider web: may symbolize racism or doing time in prison[fifteen]
  • Web: If the spider is in the center, the bearer is dedicated to a life of criminal offense; if information technology is climbing out of the web, the bearer is trying to reform himself. A few other versions are that the wearer is a drug addict, like an insect trapped in a spider's spider web, he is trapped in some narcotic web, or that it signifies a fourth dimension in prison equally each band of the spider web represents ane year in prison house.[14]
  • Teardrop tattoo: A teardrop underneath an eye: the wearer was raped in prison[sixteen] [17] and tattooed with a teardrop under the heart by the offending party,[16] this was a way of "marker" an inmate as property or to publicly humiliate the inmate as face tattoos cannot be subconscious. In West Coast gang civilisation, the tattoo may signify that the wearer has killed someone.[14] [18]
  • Tombstones represent the loss of time. You may run into the number of years that are served (i.eastward., five tombstones reading 2001–2005 means the prisoner has washed five years).
  • SS: two sig runes were the symbol of the Schutzstaffel, Nazi insignia, and used by the racist white power movement.
  • Stars: Worn on the knees: signifies that an owner 'volition kneel earlier no man'.
  • Stars: Worn on the shoulders: Signifies that the owner is a man of discipline, condition, and tradition. Men will as well receive stars when promoted to "Captain" in the Vory V Zakone.
  • Swastika: This is seen on Neo-Nazis equally it is the symbol of the Nazi political party.
  • Single dot: 'I escaped'.
  • SLON: an acronym that spells the Russian word for elephant but which stands for, 'From my early years null only misery'.

Japan [edit]

During the Edo period of Nippon, kyōkaku, urban "chivalrous commoners" or "street knights" typically wore irezumi, prominent full-body tattoos. Kyōkaku operated equally cultural outlaw figures and were frequently used as characters in Japanese kabuki performances.[19]

Tattooed Yakuza gangsters

Current yakuza have full-body tattoos, typically inked in hush-hush by tattoo artists associated with clans. Due to a clear association between tattoo artistry and offense, the practice was before long banned post-obit the Meiji restoration. During the United states occupation later WWII, this law was repealed.[xix] Modern yakuza tattoos, with common symbols and visual motifs, are noted for their similarity to electric current Western tattoo styles.[twenty]

Issey Miyake, a Japanese influential way director, has taken inspiration from Japanese prison house tattoo civilization to design wearable fashion similar to irezumi,[19] "creating a jumpsuit with a tattoo motif that looked literally like a wearable second skin...".[21]

Australia [edit]

Prisoners who were transported from U.k. to Australian penal colonies betwixt 1787 and 1867 were sometimes tattooed with marks intended to signify disgrace, for example, D for deserter. Prisoners often modified these tattoos to conceal the original design or to express wry or rebellious messages.[22] A common prison tattoo in Australia is 'A.C.A.C.' - the initials to a derogatory phrase regarding cops.[ citation needed ]

Europe [edit]

French republic [edit]

In France, v dots tattoo resembling the dots on a dice, placed on the hand between index finger and thumb are found on prison house inmates. This tattoo represents the individual between the four walls of the jail cell (un homme entre quatre murs—a man between four walls); this also has the same meaning in Russia[23] and Spain.

Tattoos of three dots on the hand mean "death to cops" (mort aux vaches / flics / poulets / keufs).[24]

A single dot on the cheek unremarkably ways the wearer is a pimp (indicate des maquereaux).

A stick effigy holding a trident is also a mutual French prison house tattoo.

Italy [edit]

"La Stidda," a Mafia-style criminal organisation in Sicily, is known for using star tattoos to identify members.[25]

North America [edit]

Common tattoos are names of relatives or gang members, symbols of aggression, tattoos advertizing a particular skill, or religious imagery. I of the nigh well-known criminal tattoos is the teardrop tattoo.[26]

A common tattoo in American prisons for Hispanic inmates, is four dots or three dots. The dots represent that you have earned your keep in your gang. The 3 dots would represent the 13 of the southern gangs and the same for the northern gangs with 4 dots :: for 14.[27]

Markers of the Aryan Alliance, a white Neo-Nazi prison gang include but are not limited to: the letters AB, Celtic imagery, and the number 666. [28]

Tattoos for enslaved prostitutes [edit]

Forced and enslaved prostitutes are often tattooed or branded with a mark of their owners. Women and girls being forced into prostitution confronting their volition may have their boss' proper noun or gang symbol inked or branded with a hot atomic number 26 on their skin. In some organizations involved with the trafficking of women and girls, like the mafias, near all prostitutes are marked. Some pimps and organizations use their name or well-known logo, while others use hush-hush signs.[29] Some years ago, the branding mark was commonly small, only recognized past other pimps, and sometimes subconscious between the labia minora, just today some "owners" write their names in big letters all upon the body of the victim.[xxx]

Run into also [edit]

  • Barrio Azteca
  • 18th Street Gang
  • Drug cartel
  • Gang signal
  • HWDP, Polish anti-Police acronym
  • List of Chinese criminal organizations
  • Listing of criminal enterprises, gangs and syndicates
  • MS-13
  • Organized offense
  • Russian mafia
  • Tong (organization)
  • Triad (surreptitious society)
  • Yakuza
  • Aryan Brotherhood

References [edit]

Citations [edit]

  1. ^ Watkins, Derrick. (2007). Gang investigations : a street cop'southward guide. Ashby, Richard., American Social club of Law Enforcement Trainers. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. ISBN978-0-7637-3391-9. OCLC 62593583.
  2. ^ Introduction to criminal investigation. Birzer, Michael Fifty., 1960-, Roberson, Cliff, 1937-. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 2012. ISBN978-1-4398-3934-eight. OCLC 747385725. {{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  3. ^ Introduction to criminal investigation. Birzer, Michael L., 1960-, Roberson, Cliff, 1937-. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 2012. ISBN978-ane-4398-3934-8. OCLC 747385725. {{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  4. ^ Wesley G. Jennings; Bryanna Hahn Fox; David P. Farrington (January 14, 2014), "Inked into Crime? An Examination of the Causal Human relationship between Tattoos and Life-Course Offending among Males from the Cambridge Report in Delinquent Development", Journal of Criminal Justice, 42 (ane, January–Feb 2014): 77–84, doi:10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2013.12.006
  5. ^ Joshua Adams (2012), "The Relationship betwixt Tattooing and Deviance in Gimmicky Club", Deviance Today, pp. 137–145
  6. ^ "Prison house Tattoos and Their Meanings". 2010 [2004]. Archived from the original on Oct 30, 2013.
  7. ^ "Prison Tattoos". Retrieved 2012-08-04 .
  8. ^ a b Banerjee, Due north. (1992, Jul 29). Russian convicts use body language of their very own --- prison house tattoos spell out lives of criminal offense and institute the bureaucracy of inmates. Wall Street Journal.
  9. ^ "Russian prison house tattoos". Greenhorn prisoner support service.
  10. ^ Williams, D. (2000, May 29). Russia journal; prison gave an artist career in the peel merchandise. The Washington Post.
  11. ^ a b c d "xv more prison tattoos and their meanings". Corrections1. October 25, 2014. Retrieved 11 January 2021.
  12. ^ a b The Mark of Cain (2000), motion-picture show on Russian criminal tattoos; DVD, ASIN B0011UBDV8
  13. ^ [Baldaev, D. S., and Sergei Vasiliev. Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia. Vol. 1. London: Fuel, 2009. Print.]
  14. ^ a b c d "xv prison tattoos and their meanings". Corrections1. September 4, 2014. Retrieved 11 January 2021.
  15. ^ Spider web Tattoos - What Do They Mean? Archived 2010-03-01 at the Wayback Automobile
  16. ^ a b "Four Days in the Oaxaca Country Prison : United mexican states Living". Retrieved 3 Nov 2016. the victim of rape is tattooed with a teardrop below the eye past the offending political party
  17. ^ "Teardrop Tattoo Meaning: Tattoos With Meaning". a way of "marker" an inmate as holding of another person or for humiliation; a face tattoo cannot be covered up or hidden.
  18. ^ Smith, Brendan (25 April 2008). "Tattoo Regret". Washington Metropolis Paper . Retrieved 11 January 2021.
  19. ^ a b c ""Irezumi": The Japanese Tattoo Unveiled". 2017-01-30. Retrieved 2019-07-10 .
  20. ^ Boyd, Oscar (2018-09-15). "'Yakuza Tattoo': Inside the secretive earth of the yakuza'south tattoos". The Japan Times . Retrieved 2019-07-x .
  21. ^ "MIYAKE ISSEY EXHIBITION: The Work of Miyake Issey". The National Fine art Center, Tokyo (in Japanese). Retrieved 2019-07-10 .
  22. ^ Niyi Awofeso (June 2004). "Prison house argot and penal subject field". Journal of Mundane Behavior. 5 (1). Archived from the original on June 1, 2005.
  23. ^ Baldayev, Danzig (2006), Russian criminal tattoo encyclopedia, Volume 3, FUEL Publishing, p. 214 .
  24. ^ Tung, Angela (24 February 2016). "The Hidden Meanings Backside 11 Prison Tattoos". Mental Floss.
  25. ^ Hodapp, Christopher (2008). Conspiracy Theories and Hole-and-corner Societies For Dummies. Wiley Publishing. p. 292. ISBN978-0-470-18408-0.
  26. ^ MacDonald, John Marshall (1987). The confession: interrogation and criminal profiles for police officers. Apache Press. p. 83. ISBN9780961823009.
  27. ^ Goslin, Charles (2017). Understanding Personal Security and Gamble: A Guide for Business organization Travelers. CRC Press. ISBN978-one-3153-5035-half-dozen.
  28. ^ "White Gang Tattoos".
  29. ^ CNN: Old mark of slavery is being used on sex trafficking victims
  30. ^ Irish Mirror: Pictured: Trafficked prostitutes BRANDED by pimps to bear witness they 'own' them

Other sources [edit]

  • Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopedia Volume I Danzig Baldaev, ISBN 3-88243-920-3
  • Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopedia Volume Two Danzig Baldaev, ISBN 978-0-9550061-ii-8
  • Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopedia Book III Danzig Baldaev, ISBN 978-0-9550061-9-7
  • Russian Prison house Tattoos: Codes of Authorisation, Domination and Struggle Alix Lambert, ISBN 0-7643-1764-4

Further reading [edit]

  • By, Northward. B. (1992, Jul 29). Russian convicts use torso linguistic communication of their very ain --- prison tattoos spell out lives of criminal offence and establish the hierarchy of inmates. Wall Street Journal.
  • Glover, S. (1997, Oct eighteen). A marked human from tattoo to taps; violence: Out of jail and 35, Robert Torres was ready for a fresh offset, but a gang insignia betrayed him. Los Angeles Times.
  • Lina Goldberg, Gang Tattoos: Signs of Belonging and the Transience of Signs
  • Hiatt, F. (1993, Aug 23). Gulag no longer, but still the lower depths; for many of the one million Russian prisoners, life inside is `Equal to torture'. The Washington Postal service (Pre-1997 Fulltext).
  • Pinnacle tattoos, [i]
  • Williams, D. (2000, May 29). Russia journal; prison gave an artist career in the skin trade. The Washington Mail service.
  • Wahlstedt, E. (2010). "Tattoos and criminality: a study on the origins and uses of tattoos in criminal subcultures"


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