
Where Is Carver Hawkes Tattoo

Carver Hawke (born 9:11 Dragon[1]) is Hawke's younger brother and Bethany's congenial twin. He specializes in 2-handed weaponry.

Afterward his father died, Carver started down a military path and took part in the Boxing of Ostagar, serving in the "tertiary company under Captain Varel" according to Aveline. His fellow soldiers said Carver fought well, that they used him equally a spear while they kept the darkspawn off his flanks. He had to be dragged from the fight when Loghain Mac Tir's betrayal forced the Fereldan army into a rout.[2] Carver returned to his family unit though they had to abscond once the darkspawn attacked Lothering.

Carver has one of several facial structures, depending on which preset the player picks for their Hawke during graphic symbol creation. The same applies for Bethany, Leandra and Gamlen.[iii]

There are iii base facial shapes that each family fellow member tin take. Hawkes using the default Hawke advent or any of the outset three presets will go the commencement head shape, Hawkes using the 2nd iii presets volition get the second head shape, and Hawkes using the last three presets (or any modded presets past that) will go the 3rd shape.

Each of the three head shapes has 3 variations - one with a pale skintone, one with a medium skintone, and one with a nighttime skintone, and each with a different hairstyle. Which of these variations is used by the game depends on Hawke'south skintone; the first four skintones will upshot in the light-skinned version of Carver, the second 4 in the medium-skinned version, and the final four in the night-skinned version. All versions of Carver will take black hair.

If Hawke is a warrior or rogue, Carver is killed during the attack on Lothering when he charges an ogre in gild to protect Leandra. All the same, if Hawke is a mage, then Bethany dies instead while Carver survives to accompany his family to Kirkwall.

Carver in Kirkwall

Carver spends a year working with his elder sibling to repay their passage into Kirkwall. Carver is peculiarly biting once in the Free Marches city. He feels no real connexion to the metropolis and believes Leandra is trying to strength a past on the family that she had long left behind. Furthermore, part of Carver resents being overlooked and having to surrender opportunities in club to protect his mage sibling from scrutiny. Even so, Carver cares deeply for his family unit and works for their welfare in Kirkwall. Carver and Hawke plan on joining The Deep Roads Expedition, in the hopes that enough wealth and influence will proceed the templars from Hawke. As Hawke gathers money to pay for the Deep Roads expedition, Carver gradually comes to come across why people fear magic. Having grown upwardly surrounded by magic, Carver did not see it as something to fear (though he never truly understood it either) until he witnessed the darker side of information technology from Kirkwall's blood mages. He eventually shows more sympathy toward templars, specially later on learning he was named afterwards the templar who freed Malcolm Hawke from the Circle of Magi. After amassing the fifty sovereigns needed to fund the expedition, Carver volunteers to bring together his elder sibling in the Deep Roads venture. His mother however, begs him to remain at dwelling. Carver protests, but the terminal decision is fabricated by Hawke.

Left domicile

If Carver is left at home when Hawke sets out for the trek, he willingly leaves the Hawke family to join the templars. Carver believes that joining the templars is his chance to prove himself and escape his elder sibling'southward shadow. Though resentful for being left behind from the expedition, he tells Hawke he does not intend to reveal that they are a mage. His training and duties as a new templar prevent him from joining his older sibling throughout their time in Kirkwall. A letter of the alphabet reveals that Carver institute his calling among the templars, though he is wary of the Guild's extreme elements.

Encountering Carver for the first time as a Templar

During the Kickoff Battle of Kirkwall, he is present with Knight-Commander Meredith as she leads a grouping of templars in Hightown.

As hostilities between mages and templars increase, Carver is kidnapped by Grace and Thrask who are inciting a rebellion to overthrow Meredith, believing that the Champion is working for the Knight-Commander regardless of their allegiances in the mage-templar struggle.

During the Kirkwall Rebellion in nine:37 Dragon, Carver supports the templars who are tasked past Knight-Commander Meredith to annul the Circle of Magi. In a terminal effort to make Hawke bring together the templars, he asks if the Champion will fight their brother, giving Hawke the choice of responding that Carver has been itching to fight them for a long time. Hawke tin too ask him if he's willing to fight his sibling too, to which Carver responds that it isn't what he wants and begins to express doubts. Meredith reminds him of his duty as a templar. If the Champion sided with the templars, Carver expresses surprise that it was the Templar Gild which brought the siblings closer together. When the Champion goes to confront Meredith, Carver and Cullen side with Hawke—Carver stating that he will not murder his sibling for her. Carver may help out Hawke during the conflict. He automatically joins his sibling if Hawke does non have a total party.

Taken on the Deep Roads

If Carver comes with Hawke to the Deep Roads, he contracts the Taint. If Anders was also brought along to the expedition, the mage reveals that a group of Grey Wardens are nearby. Should Hawke choose to find the Wardens, Carver is saved, at the toll of leaving his family to undertake the Joining. Hawke subsequently learns that Carver survived the Joining to become a Greyness Warden, merely that the new recruit tin't come dorsum to the Hawke family. If Anders is not present, or if Hawke chooses not to seek out the Wardens, Carver must exist killed.

Carver returns as a Warden

During the First Battle of Kirkwall, Carver appears equally a Grayness Warden passing through Lowtown with Stroud or Alistair and other Wardens. If Hawke tells Carver about the death of their mother, he tells Hawke that he already heard the news and he's sure that they did their best for her. Even so, he cannot join Hawke to save the city from the Qunari.

If Hawke is asked to find Nathaniel Howe in the Deep Roads, a Grayness Warden Carver is seen fighting darkspawn. If Hawke has loftier enough friendship with Carver, Carver thanks Hawke for helping him; otherwise, he starts arguing about his sibling sticking their nose into everything, before being interrupted by Nathaniel who asks if they know each other.

As hostilities between mages and templars increment, Carver is kidnapped by Grace and Thrask who are inciting a rebellion to overthrow Meredith, assertive that the Champion is working for the Knight-Commander regardless of their allegiances in the mage-templar struggle.

During the Kirkwall Rebellion in 9:37 Dragon, a Greyness Warden Carver seeks out Hawke and ask them to allow him fight by their side, thanking his sibling for saving his life. Carver is at present content with his life every bit a Grayness Warden and believes his deportment can make the world a better place. He thinks he can kickoff making a difference by aiding his sibling bargain with the crisis at hand. When asked most how his role as a Warden could permit him to intervene when Grey Wardens are supposed to be neutral, Carver replies that Hawke saved his life and gave his life meaning by making him a Grey Warden; he won't thank his sibling by doing nothing while they kickoff a war. If Hawke sided with the templars, Carver expresses surprise that Hawke, who is a mage, is helping Meredith annull the Circle.

Carver Hawke Alive and Well:
In the DLC Legacy, a deranged sect of the Carta tries to kidnap Carver due to his link to "the claret of the Hawke". Carver tin travel with Hawke to a secret Warden prison in the Vimmark Mountains in society to find the source of the aggression and uncover the harsh truth about the Hawke lineage.

Every bit a effect of the inferiority complex that has plagued him since childhood, Carver takes value in proving his worth to his family and comrades.

A responsible Hawke who keeps their family out of problem and allows Carver to make his own mark on the earth will gain friendship. Conversely, a Hawke who attracts templar attending by visibly challenging Kirkwall'southward Altar will frustrate Carver as he is adamant near an apostate Hawke fugitive the suspicion of the Society, thereby staying prophylactic. As such, supporting the Chantry's actions and siding with Templars over mages in certain circumstances volition net his approval despite his vocal disdain for the Templars themselves.

Carver values fairness and clemency equally proven past his approval gains in Loose Ends and elsewhere, merely does not believe his sibling should neglect their ain self-preservation in the pursuit of mercy.


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