Whenever an actor steps into a music-heavy office, it'south always a toss up as to whether the performer volition accept a risk and use their own voice or employ backing vocals to be added in later. The latest performer in the musical crosshairs is Taron Egerton who plays Elton John in the biopic, Rocketman. The get-go glimpse of the motion-picture show came virtually seven months ago when Egerton fabricated his debut as John in a teaser trailer, only is the voice singing "Rocket Man" in the back half of the clip actually Egerton?

Believe it or not, the answer is yes. Mostly. Different some pic musicals like the 2012 motion-picture show adaptation of Les Miserables, Egerton doesn't perform every number live, but those are absolutely his vocals. The player performs versions of Elton John'south greatest hits throughout the picture musical. The path to condign the iconically flamboyant singer has quite the backstory, too. Egerton told Jimmy Kimmel late final year that he and John met on the gear up of Kingsman: The Golden Circle while John was filming a cameo. The vocalist joked that if he "were five years younger," it'd exist John that Egerton was marrying. Cheeky.

Just a beautiful chestnut isn't enough to cast someone as the "Tiny Dancer" vocalist. Whatsoever number of actors could have stepped into the role of Elton John and skipped the singing portion. The existent indicator that Egerton was a contender for the role was a film that came out around the same fourth dimension equally Kingsman. If you were paying attention to your 2016 animated trailers, you've likely heard Egerton's singing voice without realizing information technology.

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SING Song "I'g Still Standing" 😍 Taron Egerton as Johnny HD

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Egerton starred in 2016's Sing, offer his voice for Johnny, a singing gorilla who enters an American Idol-fashion singing competition. Egerton sings ii songs in the picture show: "The Fashion I Feel" by The Zombies and "I'g Still Standing," a 1983 striking that remains one of John's biggest songs. The 2d number not just serves as Egerton's character'southward finale vocal, but also a pretty solid audition number for the biopic he would star in three years later. When you lot run into the movie, keep an eye out for it—information technology'southward a stunner.

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The question of Egerton's singing ability has sparked some obvious comparisons to last year'south Best Motion picture nominee, Bohemian Rhapsody, besides every bit the human being who stepped into Freddie Mercury's light wash jeans, Rami Malek. At a press conference following Rocketman'south debut as Cannes, press asked Egerton for his thoughts on his functioning and Malek'due south, who notably did not sing in the Queen biopic. Variety reported that while Egerton noted he was honored to be mentioned in the same breath as the Academy Award winner, he added, "Our moving picture is a musical. It requires an role player who can sing in the pb role. For a biopic, that'due south non necessary."

No one could completely mimic John'due south iconic voice, but in Rocketman, Egerton gets pretty damn close. Thanks to the reworked songs in this picture, Egerton has the opportunity to comfortably tackle John's hits at his own pace. In his all-time moments he could easily be mistaken for the existent guy, and in others, he sounds similar the best person in your karaoke room.

John even posted a live performance of the two performing a heartfelt duet of the titular song at Cannes a few days ago.

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Elton John & Taron Egerton - Rocket Homo (Cannes Film Festival 2019)

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Unlike Maverick Rhapsody, John played a office in the cosmos of Rocketman. The vocaliser is credited as producer on the moving-picture show, which means he had input on much of the end result.

He told IndieWire, "When I sentinel the motion-picture show, I don't see an actor, I run across myself, which is an extraordinary thing for an actor to practise. He's extraordinary." That'south quite an achievement in itself. Then when you're watching Rocketman, retrieve that this time, the man behind the rose colored, middle-shaped, diamond studded glasses is putting in the acting and the voice work. And with John's blessing, it's absolutely a operation worth watching.

preview for Elton John y Taron Egerton interpretan 'Rocket Man' en Cannes

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